Saturday, 27 September 2008

Moshi Monsters!!!

Now I joined a game called Moshi Monsters.

Help me get 30 coins by joining from this link!


A Dose Of Randomness

Yes,I am giving you a dose of randomness each month.

This month I'll tell you what my Road Trippin Pixel Chix does when I press (a few buttons).

So here goes....
My pixel chix is turend on.
She turns her car on.
They turn the window down.
They sing.
She goes to the park with her dog.
She walks her dog.
They get in the car.
Her dog eats his bone.
They stop suddenly.
Her dog barks.
They turn on the radio.
They go to the park (again)
The dog drives the car.
She says "Bad dog!"
They pass a palm tree and a sign.
The dog eats his bone(again)
The girl gets sniffed at...

Thats it!!

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Poem For Weirdos

Lol. All these poems are by me,for you.
(Note. You can copy them and link back to my site.If you don't'll see.)

One day I walked down my street
Looking for people,people to meet
Then I started to, to go real crazy
Speaking Spanish,going hazy
When all of a sudden I realised
I'm in a video game
A game a game!

Saturday, 13 September 2008

My News

Yes,I know this blog was started in the summer hols.

Now it's back to school and I cant post that much.

I can't find any pics either. And 900000x more homework.

I'm, changing this blogs name to I HATE HOMEWORK!!!!(No not really.)

Its bizzarestuff.

And I'm gonna express ANYTHING bizzare. `Kay?
